
About Ninad Bondre

Ninad R. Bondre has held editorial and advisory positions with the Nature Publishing Group, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and Elevate Scientific. Ninad’s formal training is in the natural sciences (he has a PhD in geology from Miami University, Ohio), but his interests include philosophy, gender, and geopolitics. He has written on topics such as capitalism, climate communication, nationalism, and the Anthropocene.
Latest Posts | By Ninad Bondre
Putting the Brakes on the Post-Truth Bandwagon
4 years ago

Putting the Brakes on the Post-Truth Bandwagon

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In mid-to-late 2016, an emerging narrative began to claim that we had entered a world in which truth no longer carried the weight and significance that it once did. The …
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Nationalism in American Science Advocacy

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Badly shaken by the Trump administration’s disregard for established research findings, particularly those pertaining to climate, environment and health, many US scientists have mobilized to defend science. Scientific societies as …
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